
Transforming Transportation: Sustainable Mobility for All in the Digital Era

2018 Transforming Transportation

Road safety was at the core of this year’s Transforming Transportation agenda, and the World Bank-hosted Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) played a key role in making this happen during a busy week that included major report launches and global cooperation meetings.

  • Overview
  • Speakers

Transforming Transportation and Safer Mobility

During the week of Transforming Transportation (Jan 8-12, 2018)the Global Road Safety Facility, held a number of events:

Jan. 9th, 2018: Partnership Meeting & Report Launch ⌵︎

Bloomberg Philanthropies and GRSF launched “The High Toll of Road Traffic Injuries: Unacceptable and Preventable.” The report highlights the significant economic and welfare benefits that developing countries could realize if they reduce the number of traffic injuries and deaths by 50 percent. About 100 representatives from leading international transport and mobility organizations participated in this event, led by Senior World Bank Directors Jose Luis Irigoyen and Timothy Evans from the Transport and Health Global Practices, and Kelly Larson from Bloomberg, along with GRSF report author Dipan Bose.

Jan. 9th, 2018: Partnership Meeting & Report Launch 
Jan. 9th, 2018: Partnership Meeting & Report Launch 
Thursday, Jan. 11th, 2018: Road Safety: Moving Towards Vision Zero ⌵︎

In the main atrium of the World Bank Group headquarters, road safety advocates from leading international organizations gathered as Soames Job, Head of GRSF and Ben Welle, WRI Global Health & Road Safety Manager, presented the joint WRI-GRSF “Sustainable & Safe – A Vision and Guidance for Zero Road Deaths” report highlighting the importance of the Safe System approach for improved road safety. The approach starts with the premise that human error is inevitable but road traffic injuries and fatalities are not.

Thursday, Jan. 11th, 2018: Road Safety: Moving Towards Vision Zero
Thursday, Jan. 11th, 2018: Road Safety: Moving Towards Vision Zero
Friday, Jan. 12th, 2018: Road Safety Financing and Implementation Challenges ⌵︎

In this high-level plenary session, Jean Todt, UN Special Envoy for Road Safety and FIA President, made it clear that little can be achieved in the way of poverty reduction and economic development without safer mobility. He stressed the need for the establishment of the UN Road Safety Fund to ensure the implementation of the SDG road safety targets, and urged cooperation with the World Bank. Panellists emphasized the need to more effectively disseminate existing knowledge with country officials, expose the economic cost of inaction, and find ways to attract investments for road safety interventions, including data collection. > Watch event here.

See full recap here.

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