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Recommendations for Effective Road Safety Campaigns


Recommendations for Effective Road Safety Campaigns

Formative research is undertaken to help guide the development of road safety campaigns. This research summary presents findings from studies examining responses to road safety television advertisements on speeding. The studies were undertaken by Vital Strategies as part of the World Health Organization (WHO) RS-10 Project and Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) from 2010-2019 in 15 low- and middle-income countries including Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, Ghana and Vietnam.

The research also identifies aspects of the communication concepts/PSAs that could be improved, including irrelevant content and problems with the language used in voiceovers or screen text.


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Recommendations for Effective Road Safety Campaigns

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82% of Road Crash Fatalities and Injuries in the economically productive age groups (15 - 64 years.)

82% of Road Crash Fatalities and Injuries in the economically productive age groups (15 - 64 years.)