
Road Safety in South Asia


Road safety risks in the South Asia region reflect its distinctive characteristics concerning the rate of motorization and composition of its vehicle fleet. Regional road safety investment has not kept pace with the dynamic forces of development. South Asia’s economy is growing faster than any other region of the world. The regional rate of vehicle ownership has doubled over the past decade and remains on an upward trajectory. In the absence of drastic measures, regional road safety performance is likely to get worse, unless country and regional measures are taken to redress investment and policy deficits. The findings in this report provide a strategic rationale for determining and addressing regional trade corridor safety priorities and the specification of shared regional initiatives designed to address them.

Note: This report was published by the SAR team and GRSF is cross-promoting it.


Report Details

Road Safety in South Asia

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82% of Road Crash Fatalities and Injuries in the economically productive age groups (15 - 64 years.)

82% of Road Crash Fatalities and Injuries in the economically productive age groups (15 - 64 years.)