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Self-enforcing Roadways: A Guidance Report


Self-enforcing Roadways: A Guidance Report

This package of speed management resources was developed from the most relevant and up-to-date existing speed management guides, informational resources, and research evidence. There are three main types of content.

The first section, an Annotated Bibliography provides a descriptive list of key speed management resources. The Bibliography also indicates the primary target audiences who may find the resources most useful. Resources were reviewed as part of the project to identify best speed management practices, and to develop the model speed management Action Plan template.

The second section describes crash- and speed-reducing countermeasures and the effects that might be expected for implementing the listed treatments. The countermeasures included, with potential crash effects or Crash Modification Factors (CMFs), are derived from high quality evaluations. Several sources were consulted to develop the list of countermeasures with strong evidence of crash or speed-reducing effects. Key among these sources were the Highway Safety Manual, the Crash Modification Factors Clearinghouse, and FHWA proven safety countermeasures information. Although only measures that have a high quality of evaluation evidence were included in these lists, other measures may also have crash-reducing effects, but the evidence is not as conclusive. New knowledge emerges continually, so practitioners are encouraged to consult the Crash Modification Factors Clearinghouse and other sources for the most up-to-date information. These CMF effect estimates may be used in cost : benefit assessments to help prioritize among alternate countermeasures as described in the Action Plan template.

The third section provides tip sheets for communications experts and others involved in supporting the speed management program and countermeasures through education and awareness efforts. The tip sheets provide guidance on developing a locally-tailored communications program. Creating and sustaining an effective speed management program requires the commitment and support of diverse stakeholders, including users of the roadways and effective communications can help build such support. In addition, safety benefits of specific countermeasures, such as enforcement or new or unfamiliar engineering treatments, may be enhanced with an effective communications programs.


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Self-enforcing Roadways: A Guidance Report

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82% of Road Crash Fatalities and Injuries in the economically productive age groups (15 - 64 years.)

82% of Road Crash Fatalities and Injuries in the economically productive age groups (15 - 64 years.)