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Increasing Road Safety Investments in Addis Ababa


Leveraging Ratios for the Global Road Safety Facility: Increasing Road Safety Investments in Addis Ababa

In 2018, the GRSF funded an iRAP analysis of the Tulu Dimtu – Kality Interchange Road. The assessment resulted in a series of recommendations and a subsequent road rehabilitation project led to $17.5 million in interventions, including:

  • pedestrian fencing

  • raised pedestrian crossings

  • rumble strips; improved delineation

  • footpath provision on driver side

The GRSF Leveraging Ratio is defined as the dollars GRSF provides to a project relative to the dollars other sources provide for road safety on the same project. The term has been used to measure the amount of investment that is sparked by an initial investment.

For the Tulu Dimtu – Kality Interchange Road Rehabilitation Project, an initial investment of $216,800 by GRSF led to $17,500,000 of country road safety investment – a leveraging ratio of 1:80.

Each $1 of GRSF investment resulted in $80 additional for road safety in Addis Ababa.

The GRSF Leveraging Ratios method is a useful technique that can provide quantitative evidence of the high impact of GRSF investments on subsequent projects.

In partnership with:

The Key Impact

  • road

    $216,800 by GRSF 
    led to $17,5 million of country road safety investment 

  • Team

    Each $1 of GRSF investment 
    resulted in $80 additional for road safety in Addis Ababa.

Learn more about this project

Global Road Safety Facility: Leveraging Global Road Safety Successes – vol 02